Presentation by Dale Grove: Marketing

Presentation by Dale Grove: Marketing

On March 25th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Marketing. This presentation will give you an overview of different ways you can market your own work. Please let us know if there are any particular topics you’d like us to dive deeper into or...
Presentation by Dale Grove: Marketing

Presentation by Dale Grove: Prepositions

On February 25th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Prepositions. Check out the presentation to sharpen your skills and knowledge on Prepositions! View the PDF of the Preposition Presentation
Presentation by Dale Grove: Marketing

Presentation by Dale Grove: Point of View

On January 28th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Point of View. Feel free to download the presentation below in PDF format to see the information he spoke about, from first person, to third person point of view, and even unreliable narrators. View a...
Presentation by Dale Grove: Marketing

Presentation by Dale Grove: Dialogue

On December 10th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Dialogue do’s and don’t’s. As with everything we discuss, we believe that these are guidelines in order to equip you with the appropriate tool for the situation, rather than strict...

Revision Grid: Editing Your Manuscript with Fresh Eyes

You’ve finished your manuscript, but how do you look at it with fresh eyes? The Revision Grid can help you see your story objectively when you’re not ready to send it to betas. Check out this post on Highlights Foundation for more information about it!...
Authenticity in Character Development

Authenticity in Character Development

Download Slideshow   From a presentation Valerie gave during a Group Meeting: Dialogue is a good way to show rather than tell because people talking to each other in the story can reveal details about themselves dynamically, in real time, rather than have...