by Harlan | Apr 19, 2021 | Lessons
On March 25th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Marketing. This presentation will give you an overview of different ways you can market your own work. Please let us know if there are any particular topics you’d like us to dive deeper into or...
by Harlan | Mar 1, 2021 | Lessons
On February 25th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Prepositions. Check out the presentation to sharpen your skills and knowledge on Prepositions! View the PDF of the Preposition Presentation
by Harlan | Feb 1, 2021 | Lessons
On January 28th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Point of View. Feel free to download the presentation below in PDF format to see the information he spoke about, from first person, to third person point of view, and even unreliable narrators. View a...
by Harlan | Dec 13, 2020 | Lessons
On December 10th, Dale Grove delivered the following presentation on Dialogue do’s and don’t’s. As with everything we discuss, we believe that these are guidelines in order to equip you with the appropriate tool for the situation, rather than strict...
by Harlan | Nov 22, 2020 | News
If you have a book ready to go, on December 3rd you can send a 280 character pitch to agents and editors by using the hashtag #pitmad on Twitter. Remaining dates for #pitmad events this year are: December 3, 2020 (8AM – 8PM EDT) Important: Don’t favorite friends’...